Chairperson’s Message


“The goal of early education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn” – Maria Montessori

It is with great pleasure that I introduce the latest edition of our Naval Kindergarten magazine. Filled with vibrant creativity- and enthusiasm of our young learners, this publication showcases the wonderful journey of discovery and growth experienced by each child.

The magazine also outlines the diverse talents, achievements, and stories that make our school community vibrant and unique as you will find a reflection of our shared experiences, highlighting the spirit of learning, progress, and camaraderie that defines us. So, let the turning of each page be a testament to the remarkable voyage we’ve had together.

I take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated teachers and staff who have nurtured these young minds. I am equally grateful to the parents for their patronage and trust placed on us.

May you enjoy the delightful moments captured within pages Commodore Chairperson NKG INS Kattabomman

Nishant Kumar Commodore
Chairperson NKG
INS Kattabomman

Officer-In-Charge's Message

Kindergarten allows children to explore and grow academically, socially and emotionally through play based learning activities that promotes child’s imagination, problem-solving and study skills which will be vital throughout his or her schooling. It is our constant endeavour to mould the young minds into capable and responsible citizens of our country.

A child’s preparation for future battle starts at home. Parental love and affection act as a protective shield while proper guidance during education provides ammunition. The values provided at home are established at NKG firmly and permanently through various socialisation activities.

The curriculum at Naval Kindergarten, INS Kattabomman is prepared by Navy Education Society (NES) in line with National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 considering salient aspects of pre-primary education. I am confident that through collective and concerned efforts of the staff and parents, we can achieve any goal that we aim.

The beautiful journey of children in the Academic Year 2023-24 is reflected in ‘Ankur’ magazine.

K Vishwanth Lieutenant Commander
Officer-in-Charge NKG

HM’S Message


Journey as KG headmistress has been most cherished, filled not only with adorable memories with kindergarteners but also with numerous instances that carry humour and thought-provoking situations. Many a times I have wondered how little minds could perceive certain facts or handle situations; but to my surprise, they have exceeded my thinking and expectations! They have proved to be little scholars par excellence!

Persistent observation on children’s behaviour pattern has made me realize that their world is filled with wonder, excitement and curiosity. There is no limit to nurturing them and moulding them to develop their physical, social, emotional and cognitive skills. This aspect has been my key focus as a Pre-primary head, to provide endless opportunities for tiny tots to explore and experiment.

Students are the future leaders of the country. Therefore, it is important for us to develop a high level of social skills in them.

Life itself is Education. Bookish knowledge and high grades might guarantee a better future. However, a life based on good values and principles makes a person great. Therefore, while concentrating on acquiring knowledge, we must not forget to focus on learning good values and principles of life as well.

KG is at the forefront of early childhood educational development. Our learning environment creatively meets the specific needs of each child, while allowing all students to come together for a cross-cultural experience that develops their social skills and teaches them how to build friendships. We provide a happy and safe environment within which our students can experience opportunities inside the classroom and beyond. We foster values of courtesy, consideration, and individual responsibility, and provide both challenge and support for our little ones. With gentle care, we help shape their young minds to be ready for the world that is waiting to meet them.

The achievement of our students is built upon the partnership between students, parents, and teachers. Through quality teaching, student support, and our commitment to extra-curricular activities, we create the building blocks for success that will give them an advantage in their later years.

Thank you.

Mrs Ranju Kumar Head Mistress